Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


The six winners of the summer barbecue's bingo game

Yesterday, Department 4 held their annual summer barbecue to which they invited students to join them for an informal time in a relaxed atmosphere. The aim of the summer barbecue is to allow both students and staff to get to know each other and strengthen relationships! We want to thank everyone who was involved in the organization of the event and everyone who came and made the time so memorable! Part of the evening was a bingo game - the six…

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In the time of June 15-17, Thomas Streck attended the 13th Conference on Economic Design at the University of Girona, Spain. Keynote speakers were Jordi Masso, Alex Teytelboym, and Gabrielle Demange. During the conference, Thomas Streck was also able to present his joint paper with Professor Haake "Distortion through modeling asymmetric bargaining power" and strengthen old and new relationships throughout the evening events. New research findings…

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Im Sommersemester 2023 sind mehrere Tutorienstellen zur Unterstützung der Veranstaltungen im Modul W1411-01: "Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Mikroökonomie" für die Dauer von 3 Monaten zu besetzen. Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst Tutoren- sowie Coaching-Tätigkeiten zur Vertiefung der Vorlesungsinhalte. !! Bewerbungsfrist bis zum 10. Februar 2023 verlängert !! Weitere Informationen für Interessierte finden sich hier.

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