Ak­tu­el­les der Pro­fes­sur für Mi­kro­öko­no­mie

Hier finden Sie Aktuelles aus der Professur für Mikroökonomie.


Are you a student at Paderborn University and planning on writing your thesis in the coming summer semester? Then don't forget to participate in the central allocation process by submitting an application! The application time will start on January 23, 2023, at 9 am, and run until February 3, 2023, 11:59 pm. Information about all requirements and the link for uploading your application can be found here.  If you would like to write your thesis…

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Group picture of all faculty members who attended.

Our Chair of Microeconomics was very excited to participate again at this year’s faculty research workshop in Melle from 26th to 28th September. We had the great pleasure to present and discuss current research topics from a diverse field of economics and business administration. It was inspiring to meet all faculty members and to vividly discuss cooperation and future ideas. A big thank you goes to all organizers of the Chair of Industrial…

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As usual, our chair met for a closed meeting before the start of a new semester. This time, however, it was not an ordinary closed meeting. Together with the chair of Prof. Dr. Hehenkamp, we decided to organize a joint retreat in Münster to discuss and explore possibilities for future cooperation. In addition to fruitful discussions and productive planning, we were also able to strengthen social ties between the chairs, much to everyone's…

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